
In the laboratory of incoming inspection of the KAMAZ foundry, a new installation was put into operation – a mortar mill RM 200 (Retsch GmbH, Germany).

The machine is designed for mechanical grinding of organic and inorganic materials to analytical fineness. It consists of a mortar and pestle that make up the grinding set. The required material is placed in the mortar and it is crushed to the required consistency under the pressure of the pestle. In the laboratory of the foundry, a mortar mill is used to prepare samples of production materials supplied to the enterprise: the material is crushed and sent for chemical analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, a conclusion is issued on the compliance of materials with the requirements and characteristics specified in the certificates.

The main advantage of the new mortar mill over the previous equipment is its high productivity. Previously, the laboratory used hand mortars and pestles, as well as a machine acquired many years ago. Using these devices, a specialist could prepare a sample in an average of half a shift. The speed of the new installation is 100 rpm. The process has become fully automated, and the preparation time for materials has been reduced several times.

Along with the speed of sample preparation, their quality also changed. The required degree of grinding of the material (from 0.0063 to 0.25 mm) is achieved due to the fact that the mortar mill has the ability to adjust the operating parameters – you can set the degree of pestle pressure and processing time. It is also worth noting the improvement in the working conditions of employees. Firstly, the intensity of work has decreased, since physical efforts are excluded, and secondly, the noise level has decreased – the new mill works almost silently.

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